Ground-hornbill researchers

KKyle and Carrieyle-Mark Middleton and Carrie Hickman are students (PhD and MSc, respectively) at the FitzPatrick Institute, University of Cape Town. Kyle and Carrie both completed their undergraduate degrees in Environmental Science and after working in the Klaserie Private Nature Reserve for a few years they were introduced to the APNR Ground-Hornbill Project where their interest in these amazing birds began. The timing could not have been better as the project needed someone to take over the field duties to manage the conservation side of the project. Kyle jumped at the opportunity which has since led him to pursue his PhD research and Carrie followed suit shortly afterwards. Together they now oversee the project and work with other researchers and conservationists around the country, as part of the Ground-Hornbill Working Group, in an effort to slow and reverse the decline in the species.