Abia Atukwatse

Abia is a female Nature guide in Uganda specializing in birds and holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Science, Technology and Management. She is passionate…

Dr. Kelsey McCune

Kelsey McCune completed her PhD in animal behavior from the University of Washington in 2018. Her dissertation compared asocial California scrub-jays …

Dr Dayo Osinubi

Dr Dayo Osinubi is an avian behavioural ecologist who enjoys exploring the “how” and “why” questions in nature. He started his career in Nigeria and…

Dr Krista Oswald

Despite not necessarily being a birder (I didn’t even own proper binoculars), I completed an Honours BSc studying Tree Swallows through Dalhousie University in Canada,…

Martim Melo

Martim Melo is an evolutionary biologist based at CIBIO (Research Centre in Biodiversity) and the Natural History and Science Museum, both from the University of…

Rita Fortuna

Rita is a behavioural and evolutionary ecologist from Portugal. She studied Biology at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto (Portugal) and joined…

Rick Nuttall

Rick Nuttall has been sharing his knowledge and passion for birds with like-minded people from a young age. His MSc degree involved behaviour studies of…

Noam Shany

Noam Shany is a passionate bird watcher who has traveled to more than 100 countries to assemble a world list that ranks among the top…

Sascha Dueker

Sascha Dueker is a conservation biologist with a fascination for parrots ever since his childhood. He says “they are among birds what the primates are…

Dr Corwin Sullivan

Corwin Sullivan is a vertebrate palaeontologist with the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada, and the Philip J. Currie Dinosaur Museum in nearby Wembley. His…