Action Photography – Photographing Raptors in the Kalahari
Ernest first visited the Kalahari in January 2017 and was completely hooked to the magic this unique destination offers. He has since spent more than 100 days exploring the wanders of the Kalahari. In this Webinar Ernest will take you on a photographic journey into the lives of some of the iconic raptors found in the Kalahari. We will be looking at Southern Africa’s biggest (Martial Eagle), the smallest (Pygmy Falcon) and many more raptors. Ernest considers the Kalahari to be his favorite photographic destination in Southern Africa, without any doubt and will be sharing his passion, knowledge, a photographical approach including useful camera skills and tips with the viewers in this webinar.

Additional Details
Webinar link - https://zoom.us/j/92144472786?pwd=SjhtanFYbFJnWktRVmlPaGFRUGc1dz09
Meeting ID - 921 4447 2786
Passcode - 267650
Check my time zone - https://www.starts-at.com/e/?t=1900&d=2021-08-05&tz=Africa/Johannesburg
Event platform - zoom
Please enter any questions you may have in the chat area. We will get to them at the end of the webinar.