Angola: the Frontiers of Birding in Greater Southern Africa
In this webinar, Noam will take you through all the major birding sites of Angola. It will be richly illustrated with maps, landscape photos, and of course, photos of nearly all the endemic birds. Angola is an incredibly diverse country, which has Namib Desert, Congo Basin Rainforest, and everything in between. It is just outside the boundaries of what is traditionally considered as Southern Africa, but firmly part of the recently proposed “Greater Southern Africa.” This is the next frontier for Southern African birders, an exciting destination where many new ornithological discoveries undoubtedly await. The talk will wrap up with a discussion about some practicalities of travelling to and within Angola.
Additional Details
Webinar link - https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84995648388?pwd=MS9qL0MwdEVuRWNFQkRsN3JRNFdoQT09
Meeting ID - 849 9564 8388
Passcode - 235195
Check my time zone - https://www.starts-at.com/e/?t=1900&d=2021-09-16&tz=Africa/Johannesburg
Event platform - zoom
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