Birdability: Because Birding is for Everybody and Every Body!
Birding is an activity that can bring so much joy and empowerment to everybody, but not everybody is able to go birding easily. Birdability is a brand new non-profit, based in the US but with a global reach. Through education, outreach and advocacy, Birdability works to ensure the birding community and the outdoors are welcoming, inclusive, safe and accessible for everybody. We focus on people with mobility challenges, blindness or low vision, chronic illness, intellectual or developmental disabilities, mental illness, and those who are neurodivergent, deaf or hard of hearing or who have other health concerns. In addition to current birders, we strive to introduce birding to people with disabilities and other health concerns who are not yet birders so they too can experience the joys of birding.
Learn about why this should matter to you (even if you don’t have an accessibility challenge), ways to be a more welcoming and inclusive birder, the Birdability Map (and how to submit a Birdability Site Review) and our resources for birders (and potential future birders) with accessibility challenges… because birding is for everybody and every body! Learn more and find resources at birdability.org or follow @birdability on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
Additional Details
Webinar link - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89749327598?pwd=WmFhVXphZUt0Q2lTamlvOE5xeXRrZz09
Meeting ID - 897 4932 7598
Passcode - x84z1J
Check my time zone - https://dateful.com/eventlink/e/?t=1900&d=2021-06-24&tz=Africa/Johannesburg
Event platform - zoom