What can we learn from the Diederik Cuckoo? Concepts in evolutionary biology
The diederik cuckoo belongs to the family Cuculidae, and one of six subfamilies, the Cuculinae or Old World parasitic cuckoos. Where does this species fit within the Cuculidae, what are its relationships within the subfamily? When did the Cuculidae arise? When did their adaptive radiation occur? When did the genus Chrysococcyx and undergo speciation? What is the evolutionary origin of brood parasitism? what are the hosts for diederik cuckoos, and how does the female know what colour to make the eggs? What is sexual selection and how has it impacted the evolution of diederik cucko morphology and behaviours? Join us on a journey to learn some key concepts of biology from this incredible bird! Derek takes you deep into biology using simplified, ordinary concepts that are easy to understand.
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