Learn-the-Birds Team Rambles about Birding Highlights in 2022
For the first webinar of the year, the Learn-the-Birds team will be all together talking about their highlight birding experiences in 2022. For some of us that will be summer, and for some winter. Places visited include the Bay Area in California and the Everglades in Florida in the USA, holiday birding in northern Kruger National Park, choice spots in Trinidad and Tobago, and the Southern Ocean! The team will talk about and illustrate some of their birding adventures, what they learned, and discuss our plans for Learn-the-Birds for 2023 and beyond. Thanks so much for being part of the Learn-the-Birds initiative!
Additional Details
Webinar link - https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83431423554?pwd=YmNac0c1S1AxZDU0Y3pkVzBZOC9nZz09
Meeting ID - 834 3142 3554
Passcode - 659795
Check my time zone - https://www.starts-at.com/e/?t=1900&d=2022-01-01&tz=Africa/Johannesburg
Event platform - zoom
During the event, please type your questions and comments in the chat, and we will do our best to attend to them during the discussion or at the end.