Eladio Fernandez

Ridgway’s Hawk Conservation Program

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The Ridgway’s Hawk is one of the rarest raptors on the planet, with estimated numbers of less than 500 individuals remaining. Now feared extinct on Haiti, the only remaining population exists in the Dominican Republic in the northern Caribbean. There has been concerted effort over the years among conservationists to save the species, utilizing several different methods. This talk shall shed more light on what has been happening, and what the future looks like for this critically endangered species.

Additional Details

Webinar link - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84800363633?pwd=Z29BdkExcktUMmxYd1FiYlpDc1NwZz09

Meeting ID - 848 0036 3633

Passcode - 91yg4B

Check my time zone - https://dateful.com/eventlink/e/?t=1900&d=2021-07-15&tz=Africa/Johannesburg

Event platform - zoom


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Date and Time

Thu, July 15, 2021 at 19h00 (SAST)

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