Roberts 8: Going Online in Collaboration with Birds of the World
Learn how the new Roberts Birds of Southern Africa (“Roberts 8”) project has evolved and where online you can find the newly revised content. Derek Engelbrecht, South African ornithologist and editor-in-chief of the Roberts 8 project and Laura Kammermeier, communications manager with the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, will be on hand to discuss the new collaboration between their two organizations and give an overview of the growing body of southern Africa species accounts that can now be found on Birds of the World (BOW). BOW is an online platform containing comprehensive species accounts for every bird in the world. In this discussion, you will learn about the editorial team and how you can contribute to the project. One benefit of this partnership is that everyone in southern Africa receives free access to BOW (just create an account and sign in).
Additional Details
Webinar link - https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88444877669?pwd=ZDhOZ1lpV3pwVTllb3NzYVBzRjJidz09
Meeting ID - 884 4487 7669
Passcode - 662356
Event platform - zoom