Southern Ontario Birds – A Tale of Two Flyways

Elizabeth Szekeres

Southern Ontario Birds – A Tale of Two Flyways

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In Southern Ontario, Canada, we have the amazing good fortune to live within the overlap of the Atlantic and Mississippi flyways. We have warblers, wading birds, songbirds, shorebirds and raptors all seeking space over our cities during peak migration season.

During the pandemic year where travel was not possible, we took the time to become more intimately connected with the natural world around where we live, resulting in a photo diary of the Covid year, taken in the varied geographical landscapes of our region. From the shores and wetlands of Lake Ontario, to the wild cliffs of the Niagara Escarpment and limestone Alvar environments, to the natural and man made peninsulas of Lake Erie and Lake Ontario, the stunning diversity of bird species that either make this region home year round, breed here in the summer, or temporarily stop over while migrating, is truly a revelation.

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Date and Time

Thu, November 18, 2021 at 19h00 (SAST)

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