Dr Michael Campbell

The Biogeography and Evolution of Eagles

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Dr Michael Campbell presents a webinar on the biogeography of eagle species: that is how the genetics, classification, habitat requirements, intra-species and inter-species predatory competition, and migratory habitats of eagles have varied over time and space, and a comparison of eagle ecologies across continents. Basically, when we see an eagle, what is the importance of its location and liing space? These include comparisons of sister-species (such as the Bald eagle in North America and the White-tailed eagle in Eurasia; the Golden eagle in North America and Eurasia, and the Verreaux’s eagle in Africa; and the Harpy eagle, Crowned eagle and Philippine eagle in Central and South America, Sub-Saharan Africa and East Asia respective). The webinar will illustrate the crucial role of biogeography, ecology and genetics (including evolution) in the understanding of eagle existence and survival.

Additional Details

Webinar link - https://zoom.us/j/93873765875?pwd=Zi9MeW4vSjJBQXZ0ZCtqR05Wa2RUQT09

Meeting ID - 938 7376 5875

Passcode - 504788

Check my time zone - https://www.starts-at.com/e/?t=1900&d=2021-04-29&tz=Africa/Johannesburg

Event platform - zoom


Ask the speakers anything you want about their topic. For webinars, due to the large numbers, it is best to place your questions in the chat so that the moderator can pick them up to ensure that they get answered by the speaker. Interaction is important!

Event registration closed.

Date and Time

Thu, April 29, 2021 at 19h00 (SAST)

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