The most Sought-after bird of Uganda, the Shoebill
Every bird watcher and researcher dreams of coming face to face with the prehistoric Shoebill making it top of the birds of Uganda and Africa at large!! Found only in a few fresh water wetlands in Africa, the Shoebill provides livelihoods to the surrounding communities through eco-tourism and plays a big role in the ecosystem. The Shoebill is found in a few countries in Africa, and Uganda provides the best chances of seeing this majestic bird. With a few individuals globally, the population of the Shoebill continues to decline due to human disturbances, knowledge gaps, andclimate change thus making the species vulnerable. A few conservation measures have been put in place among which is the International Single Species’ Action Plan for the Shoebill which highlights knowledge gaps as one of the challenges to the species’ conservation thus calling for research into the little-known aspects of the bird.
Additional Details
Webinar link - https://zoom.us/j/96808648111?pwd=Rm40cC9RZm5sYlpYMEw2Tno5SXRCUT09
Meeting ID - 968 0864 8111
Passcode - 277748
Check my time zone - https://www.starts-at.com/e/?t=1900&d=2021-11-04&tz=Africa/Johannesburg
Event platform - zoom
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