Caroline Walta

The rollercoaster life of the Dutch white storks

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The white stork (Ciconia Ciconia): from extinction in the 60’s to about 1.600 breeding pairs in The Netherlands nowadays. What did it take to re-introduce this bird? We get an exclusive look in the last remaining stork station, where the birds were bred and which transformed into a stork hospital.

Further, we learn about the urban storks in The Hague. Why is not everyone excited about this charismatic bird? Caroline is on a mission to turn stork critics into stork friends. To protect the nests, she starts collecting data with year-round monitoring and ringing of the stork nestlings. For this, we climb the city roofs and… we get some unexpected help. A research project is born.

Fasten your seatbelts to take a ride though the white stork season.

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Date and Time

Thu, March 07, 2024 at 19h00 (SAST)

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