Abia Atukwatse, Judith Mirembe

Women in birding in Uganda

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The Uganda Women Birders’ Club was started in May 2013 with a major aim of increasing the number of ladies participating in birdwatching which has for long been male dominated. Globally, tourism is considered the biggest foreign exchange earner and thus would provide an opportunity for women to earn livelihoods for their families. The club aims at mentoring women into bird watching and nature guiding as a profession, providing a platform for women to interact with like minded people in avian conservation as well as empowering the younger generation with skills in bird identification and conservation. The club started with a membership of about 10 ladies and has since grown to over 80 members. The clubs’ vision is to see more ladies working as nature guides. Judith and Harriet discuss the club, its goals, and its success at developing avitourism in the country.

Additional Details

Webinar link - https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84198069948?pwd=UUNqRVA0TngwcVYxMStMSmJXbUNHQT09

Meeting ID - 841 9806 9948

Passcode - 742419

Check my time zone - https://www.starts-at.com/e/?t=1900&d=2022-03-24&tz=Africa/Johannesburg

Event platform - zoom


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Date and Time

Thu, March 24, 2022 at 19h00 (SAST)

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