A world-wide count of Waders / Shorebirds
Dates: Saturday 31st October 00h00(SAT) to Sunday 1st November 23h59 (SAT) 2020
Let us get out into the field over the weekend to
- Express our thanks to those people involved in the conservation of Waders / Shorebirds
- Show Waders / Shorebirds that we care about what is happening to them.

The Wader Conservation World Watch is held annually over the 1st weekend of November under the auspices of Wader Quest, a registered Charity based in the United Kingdom, founded by Rick & Elis Simpson. Their detailed web site can be seen at waderquest.net.
Wader Quest South Africa will be flying the wader flag here in South Africa for this annual count. Join the Facebook group “Wader Quest South Africa” for up to date information on
a. What waders you can see in the Southern African region (no counting of species necessary)
b. who to send your sightings and photos to: Rick Simpson at waderquest@gmail.com
c. how to register on the Birdlasser app to join in the fun WCWW7 Challenge-
the link to the event is: https://www.birdlasser.com/challenges/WCWW7/overview
d. the result of the world-wide count, where waders / shorebirds were seen and a Roll of Honour of all those who participated.
e. Further enquiries can be addressed to Sue Oertli at oertli68@gmail.com.
Peter & Jenny Sharland
Owen & Sue Oertli
Wader Quest South Africa

— Contributed by Sue Oertli, posted by Derek Keats.