
Wader conservation world watch 7 for 2020
A world-wide count of Waders / Shorebirds is happening Saturday 31st October 00h00(SAT) to Sunday 1st November 23h59 (SAT) 2020

Educational Bird Videos with Lynette Rudman
Lynette Rudman talks about her journey into becoming an educational bird video Youtube contributor. Discover what made her follow this path.

Diederik cuckoo – observations and photos of mating rituals and nest intrusions
The unmistakeable, loud deed-deed-deed-deed-er-ick call of the diederik cuckoo, Chrysococcyx caprius, is a characteristic of the spring and summer landscape of southern Africa. The species

Lucky weekend with Long-billed pipits in Marakele National Park
On the weekend of Aug 22, 2020, when we were finally allowed to travel between provinces, I was lucky enough to spend two mornings observing Long-billed Pipits at Marakele National Park.

A tale of serendipity
In March of 2017 I was leading a birding tour to Southern Mozambique. On 3 March, while searching for the Green Tinkerbird some 30km inland