Webinar recording – Buy equipment not software: quality open source (free) software for bird photographers

When you get into bird photography, you soon realise that you need to process your photos, and having just spent a small fortune on camera equipment, the last thing you need is to spend another small fortune on software just to make your photos usable. You need software for the following purposes: Download photos from […]
Lucky weekend with Long-billed pipits in Marakele National Park

On the weekend of Aug 22, 2020, when we were finally allowed to travel between provinces, I was lucky enough to spend two mornings observing Long-billed Pipits at Marakele National Park.
Why I photograph birds

Way back in 1986, when I was leaving New Brunswick, Canada to go spend two years in Zimbabwe, my friend Anne Bardou gave me a book, “A Field Guide to the Birds of East Africa”. While Zimbabwe is not East Africa, the book went to all the parks that I managed to get to in […]