Birds’ bills have evolved to serve various functions beside the procurement of food. Bills are also used for carrying nesting material when building a nest made of twigs or weaving an elaborate nest (weavers) or constructing a mud pellet nest (swallows). Birds use their bills in defending themselves against other birds or predators. Bills are […]

The eagle and the bats

Walbergs Eagle

A Walberg’s eagle was photographed catching bats in the air at near dark in Letaba, Kruger National Park, South Africa.

The wood kingfishers

Two striped kingfishers on a branch

The wood kingfishers: jewels of the bushveld Visitors from Europe are often surprised when visiting this part of the world when they learn that we have so many species of kingfisher (10 species in South Africa), and that more than half of them are not associated with water. In Europe there is only one species […]

A leaf warbler fly-by

Willow warbler as featured image

The leaf warblers form the only genus belonging to the family Phylloscopidae, introduced in 2006, prior to which it was placed in the Old World warbler family Sylviidae that has undergone much revision of the past couple of decades. The Phylloscopidae contains 81 species of tree-loving warblers that occur primarily in Eurasia and Africa, with one species making it as far east as Alaska.

Helmetshrikes: characters of the bushveld

Featured image

Helmetshrikes: characters of the bushveld The helmetshrikes comprise one of the most distinctive groups of birds that you find in the Hoedspruit area where I live, and throughout the South African bushveld. They are never far away, and family groups are often seen on their own or as part of a bird party as they […]

Oxpeckers and mammals – a relationship only found in Africa

Red-billed oxpecker on an female impala

Oxpeckers and mammals – a relationship only found in Africa Everyone knows oxpeckers, those strange birds that hang around on mammals and make their living eating parasites, dead skin and blood. Watching them go about their business on mammals such as impala, zebra, giraffe and buffalo can be quite fascinating. There are two species of […]

8 different types of birds’ nests

Birds’ nests are so diverse. The tiniest birds can build the most intricately woven nests that are well concealed and camouflaged and yet the large raptors can just pile together a lot of twigs out in the open in a tree or rock ledge for all to see. The amount of skill and instinct that […]

A family of specialised nest parasites

Village indigobird male and female.

A family of specialised nest parasites Most people are familiar with the nest parasitism – or brood parasitism – that is shown by our cuckoos, such as the Jacobin cuckoo and Diederik Cuckoos, where the birds lay their eggs in the nests of other bird species. These other species, the hosts, then feed and rear […]

Swifts and Swallows: Convergent Evolution in Action

African palm swift

Swifts and Swallows: Convergent Evolution in Action I live in the Hoedspruit area of Limpopo province of South Africa, and every summer, our skies are full of agile and fast birds flying around picking insects out of the air. In the dying days of our summer, some such as the barn swallow, muster in large […]