Learn the birds from global specialists around the World

Learn-the-Birds brings together people keen to learn more about birds, birding and bird photography and people who have knowledge and expertise in these areas. We are new on the scene, having gone live on August 6th 2020. We are creating some interesting webinars, master classes, courses, news, blog posts and other content for you. We have started our webinar and master class programme, with several already having taken place or ready for registration.

Regular webinars

We run regular webinars for the birding community. Our webinars are, and always will be free for anyone to attend.

Master classes

In our master classes, you will get to interact with someone sharing their expertise at an in-depth level, sometimes in multi-session classes.

Video courses

Video courses enable you to study a birding topic at your leisure. Most comprise recorded videos, and learning activities

Audio downloads

Audio downloads provide short snippets of birding information from experts, for example what is happening now, or how to find an unusual bird.

Blogs and news

Blogs and news from the world of birds, birding, and bird photography provided by knowledgeable and experienced birders

Learning materials

A variety of learning materials to help you further explore your birding and bird photography hobbies.

Please note that if you register for Learn-the-Birds, and login whenever you visit, registering for our events is a lot simpler.

Please note that our website is undergoing revisions until January 11th.  Expect things looking  weird or being broken as we improve it so that we are able to go into next year with more capabilities to help  you to learn the birds.


Our current courses

Our current courses will list here soon. We are working as fast as we can to get them up and available for you to enjoy. The 'courses' shown below are just shells for testing purposes, not real courses, but stay tuned.

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Enhance your birding experience

Our Webinars and Courses are designed to help you enhance your birding experience. They can help you plan a trip, improve your identification skills, or take better photographs. We also cover topics such as ecology and evolution of birds.